
The Lord’s Day – Sunday Worship

10:00 AM (9:30 AM in July & August)
We at SCC believe the most important task the church has been called to is to assemble on the Lord’s Day (i.e. Sunday) for public worship. As per our motto, we strive for biblically based worship as per our Protestant heritage. Therefore we focus on Gospel preaching, Scripture reading, reciting the great creeds, prayer and traditional hymns and music.
[For the church’s Youtube Channel of streamed worship services clicked here.]

The Sacraments

The Lord’s Supper is offered every Sunday and during special holidays (Easter, Maundy Thursday, etc.). We practice open communion at SCC, and all Christians not under church discipline are welcome to take of Christ’s meal.

Worship Times & Special Services

Sunday Worship (September-June)
9:00-9:50 AM = Sunday School for all ages
10:00-11:15 AM = Worship
11:15 AM = Fellowship time

Sunday Worship (July-August)
9:30-10:45 AM = Worship
10:45 AM = Fellowship time

Special Services:
Maundy Thursday = 6:30 PM
Easter Sunrise Service = 6:30 AM (At Camp Jewell, Colebrook CT)
Christmas Eve Service (Dec 24th) = 6:00 PM