Purpose of the Diaper Bank
To reach out, in the name of Jesus Christ, to the Winsted area families in need by giving a free supplementary supply of diapers and baby wipes.
How to Qualify
The Diaper Bank is open to anyone in the Winsted area. A photo ID is required for our records.
Available Resources

- Each client will receive a package of diapers and wipes per monthly visit.
- The church has a small booklet of local resources for those in need.
- If you would like someone to talk with, our volunteers or Pastor Dan are always available to chat and/or pray.
- If you have questions about the Christian faith, please ask. We have Bibles and Christian literature for you at no charge.
- Finally, you are always welcome to worship with us on Sunday morning. Sunday School starts at 9 am and worship begins at 10 am (in July and August worship begins at 9:30 am, with no Sunday School for the summer).